Nowadays, every business, institute, and company has a website that demonstrates their online presence and improves brand identification by web application development methodology.

As a result, numerous businesses are fighting in the digital race, redesigning their existing websites or acquiring new ones.

For this reason, if you opt to have a website made by an IT agency or software house, you will have to accept that you will occasionally have to contact developers.

It entails communicating with individuals from various departments involved in your business website development, web application design and implementation, delving into the work process, and controlling and testing the results.

Instead, depending on the scale of the project, they use several web project management, web application design and implementation methodologies.

So let me tell you about some practices for website building.

The discrepancies are attributable to how the process is structured. Also, which tools are employed, and which concepts and rules are prioritised.

Some of these approaches have recently found applicability in another field of business. As a result, when you complete reading this article, you will have learned something new and beneficial for your business.

The typical website development procedure

Before diving into the methodology of any web project, it is critical to understand the developmental stages and the development flow.

The flow of a project differs from one to the next. Consider a typical workflow. Imagine the following scenario: a prospective customer contacts the development team or management.

An IT company's standard workflow will look like this:
Stage 1: Getting to Know a Customer
Stage 2: Getting to Know Client's Needs

In some cases, the client is unsure about their exact needs. By conducting studies and understanding their demands, the company will assist customers in locating their requirements. If the client is clear about their requirements, they certainly understand what they want. Then they merely need to work out the kinks before getting started.

Stage 3: Project research

The team conducts project research after knowing the client’s needs. The development team studies clients’ business needs and determines whether they can address a client’s problem. Learning about a client’s aim, business characteristics, and first requests is one of the outcomes.

Stage 4: Listing Specifications

If everything is in order and the development team can assist the client. The PM sends the technical documents and specifications to the lead developer and clarifies the project’s goals and requirements. Following that, the lead developer submits a report to the project manager, who in turn reviews all of the features and specifics with the client.

Stage 5: Designing wireframes and prototypes

The team then begins work on wireframes and prototypes. The job is done in partnership with the client and the designers in the team. 

Stage 6: Design 

Designers Work on design concepts until they are approved. The company requests all specifics regarding web application design and implementation with the impact the client’s project must convey.

Stage 7: Development

The preliminary setup and customization are completed initially. The developers then configure all of the modules’ settings. They ensure that every website page has been approved and that the client has reviewed demo versions of all website features. It was a friendly reminder from the development team to the client to go over and test all of the alternatives.

Stage 8: Deployment

Whenever it comes to website usage, there are no minors. Believe us when we say that any tiny small bug will be seen by your website’s visitors. Depending on the project, front-end and back-end development may occur concurrently, or the back-end may be followed by the front end. A front-end developer is responsible for implementing all visual features and ensuring that everything is pixel-perfect and that a website is cross-browser friendly.

Stage 9: Quality Control

Remember what we said in step 7? The testing stage should never be skipped. Following the integration test, the team proceeds to the functionality and UI tests, followed by manual tests.

Stage 10: Quality assurance and maintenance after the launch.

Aside from support and maintenance, the development team typically educates clients enough to use a website, maintain it, and add content, among other things.

So, you now have a better understanding of the communication process between the client and the developers. Let’s get started with workflow techniques.

Methodologies for web development

Traditional or waterfall approach:

It is the first Process Model and the simplest technique in the software development workflow. The waterfall methodology depicts the development process as a stream that passes through phases one by one.

However, the shift from one phase to the next happens only after the preceding one has been completed; in other words, every phase must be finished before the next stage can begin.

The fundamental disadvantage of this paradigm is that any modification in one of the stages will inevitably result in a change in all the following ones. It indicates that the waterfall approach is only appropriate for short and simple projects.


Agile is a disciplined and iterative method for website development and project management. This system of techniques is the foundation for a variety of approaches and procedures (Scrum, Kanban, XP, and others).

Agile approaches can be used instead of waterfall or traditional sequential development.
In a nutshell, Agile is a time-focused mindset that allows for the progressive creation of a project by splitting it into small chunks.

One of its key advantages is the ability to adjust and modify at any time, as well as supply the market with just the relevant products. There are no specific stages.

Time is divided into sprints. A sprint is a period set aside for certain tasks and deliverables. The value of the jobs is expected to be determined by a customer who is deeply engaged in the development cycle.

Each sprint is typically determined in weeks. The Agile approach is focused on the customer’s participation and decision. The client should indeed be prepared to spend some time analyzing sprint results, assessing, and (re) prioritizing.

A client can evaluate the basic version before releasing it to the public, or even sell it. That’s a fantastic strategy for businesses where being first is everything. A customer can also flick all of the project’s requirements on and off.


Scrum is a methodology for agile development that is based on the agile mindset. Scrum was originally intended for product development and management.

The team selects how a job should be implemented in Scrum; paperwork and specification writing is omitted. The client does not waste time on paperwork; instead, he or she determines what will be in the outcomes.

A Scrum Master and a Product Owner supervise (but do not manage!) the Scrum team (PO). The Scrum Master acts as a coach, assisting the development team in delivering a high-quality product.

The Scrum Master serves as a coach to the development team, aiding them in creating a high-quality product. The Scrum Master is not authorized to delegate specific tasks to members of the Scrum team.

The PO is a client-side spokesperson who represents the client’s vision and prioritizes the “wish list” of tasks at the beginning of each sprint.

Time is divided into sprints once more (2-4 weeks). After completing a sprint, a team must provide a ready-to-market app/product.

The Scrum sprint begins with the creation of the Sprint backlog, which consists of various activities that the team will convert from a concept into a coding solution.

A Sprint is complemented by daily Scrum meetings, in which all team members, as well as the Scrum Master and the PO, assemble to review what has already been done and how they might empower the delivery.

Each meeting has a time limit of 15 minutes. The sprint concluded with a retrospective, during which team members, the Scrum Master, and the PO discussed the outcomes, what had been done and what hadn’t, and how the next sprint could be more successful.

And, as previously stated, the component developed during the sprint must be available to the client.


The basic concept of Kanban is process visualization. It entails constructing a physical panel (a Kanban board) through which to visibly track progress. Various teams or individuals can use a kanban board.

It’s similar to Scrum, but with just a few differences: there are no roles within a group. The work isn’t boxed into sprints and is provided constantly, one task at a time. Also, changes can be made at any moment while the sprint’s tasks are rigidly defined.

Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is often regarded as among the most contentious agile approaches. It shares several characteristics with Lean, Kanban, and Scrum: time constraints (1-3 weeks), extensive testing (Lean), ongoing planning (Scrum), customer interaction, and tiny releases (Kanban).

According to some authors, Scrum is a subset of XP. Small Releases; Customer Acceptance Tests; Simple Design; Pair Programming (rather than code reviews in other methodologies); Test-Driven Development, and so on are examples of XP practices.

Other agile workflow approaches in IT include Crystal, the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Feature-Driven Development (FDD), and others. Agile techniques offer the flexibility to adjust and alter based on feedback, market conditions, corporate obstacles, etc.

If your project is simple and short, and the needs are obvious, use the Waterfall approach. In any other instance, we’d recommend working with a team that follows any of the agile methodologies: they’re adaptable, easy to adjust and provide both the team and the client adequate leeway.

There is no best or worst agile methodology for web development; as you can see, each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Get your Website methodology discussed with the Crecode Website Optimization consultant!