Leza Tech is a digital marketing agency that specializes in providing a range of services to help businesses build and grow their online presence. They ara a team of specialists who are dedicated to delivering quality results that exceed the potential of a business.
Through our professional web design services, we come up with a modern and responsive website that effectively showcases their services and expertise. The website features a sleek, modern design with easy-to-use navigation, highlighting the company’s offerings in eCommerce development, logo design, SEO, digital marketing, networking management, and software development. With our professional website development services team crecode integrated the backend of the website using wordpress and wp bakery. The website was optimized for search engine visibility, ensuring that it ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs).
The team worked closely with the client and its team throughout the development process, gathering feedback and making changes as needed to ensure that the website met the needs of the targetted audience of our client regardless of any errors and bugs.
LezaTech is based on a Content Management System (SMS) named as Wordrpress
In this website, Elementor is used as theme builder, and website design.
For WordPress backend and custom code, PHP is frequently used throughout the website.
Using WordPress as CMS, MySQL is defualt database that is bundled with it.
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